5 Reasons People Don’t Read Your Blog
Eric Brantner SEO Writer The blogosphere can be a lonely place if no one is reading your blog. It makes you ask the question “is this even worth it?” Yes, blogging is worth it. You just need to make some adjustments so that your blog has more online visibility. The first step to increasing your web presence is understanding why...
Friday November 21st Internet Marketing Roundup
Another week is coming to a close in which numerous great posts about internet marketing were written. In case you missed any of them, here are 4 useful posts to further your online marketing education. Enjoy! 1. One of the most important questions you need to think about is—what value are you adding? Whether you’re a blogger, affiliate marketer, or...
Demystifying XML Sitemaps
by Herb Firestone Marketing Coordinator Creating an XML Sitemap has been a piece of cake for quite some time now. Most everyone knows by now that all you have to do is go to XML-Sitemaps, enter your full URL in the box, and follow the instructions that appear on the page. Upon completion, upload your XML Sitemap to the root...
Taking Advantage of Your Competition’s Shortcomings
Eric Brantner SEO Writer I realize I’m running the risk of sounding cut-throat, but one of the keys to managing a successful business is to take advantage of your competition’s shortcomings. By figuring out the areas in which they’re lacking, you can hit them where it hurts, taking market share from them. How does this relate to internet marketing? It’s...
Friday November 14th Internet Marketing Roundup
Eric Brantner SEO Content Writer In the quest to further your Internet marketing education, I’m including links to what I believe are the top 5 Internet marketing blog posts of the week. Enjoy! 1. Google’s SEO Starter Guide- While most of the information in here is aimed at beginners, I feel this is an important post because it gives SEO...