Controversy may be King, but Moderation is Still the Diplomat
Author: April Hall Internet Copywriter Last week, Eric posted an excellent entry on the benefits of incorporating controversy into your internet content. Whether you have an interactive blog or a traditional website, using a bit of controversy is a great way to spur conversation and draw visitors to your website. It is easy to see how useful controversy can be--just...
An Internet Opportunity for the Small Business Community: The Rise of the Blogs
Author: April Hall Internet Copywriter Although the blogging community has been around for going on ten years now, it has only been in the last few years that average businesses have begun to recognize the value of this type of internet presence. Many small businesses who would otherwise not be able to afford internet marketing are able to use business...
SEO Training: Do it Yourself or Leave it to Professionals?
Author: April Hall Internet Copywriter By now, everyone knows the importance of using proper SEO techniques to increase your website readership; usually this is done by moving your site up on the Search Engine Results Page. But, what if you don't actually know how to do this? What if you are a small business owner who wants to become familiar...
Is Controversy the New King?
Author: Eric Brantner Web Copywriter The phrase "content is king" has been beaten to the point of exhaustion by SEOs throughout the industry. As an internet copywriter, I would never try to dispute this statement, but I do think it needs an amendment. Judging from the magazines at checkout stands, the most read stories in the local newspaper, and the...
How to Increase the Comments on your Business Blog
Author: April Hall Internet Copywriter As fun as it is to have a safe place to monologue about how much you know about your business, or to moan about how much the recession is hurting your industry, how productive is your business blog if it does not spur conversation? Unless you promote an actual blogging community, complete with comments from...