Social Media Marketing | Social Networking

How to Write Successful Social Media Content

  November 13, 2008
  Category :     Social Media Marketing | Social Networking
  Directory One
Social media marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with consumers, to build online visibility, and to generate more traffic to your website. But to be successful with social media marketing, you have to understand how to write content that social media users will want to share with others.   Start with the Headline Perhaps the most...

5 Tips for Creating Great Social Media Content

  October 7, 2008
  Category :     Social Media Marketing | Social Networking
  Directory One
Eric Brantner SEO Content Writer The benefits of social media have been well documented. You can earn tons of inbound links and increase your brand’s exposure. However, just because you’re a member of a social media site doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed success. Creating content for social media sites requires careful planning. To get the most out of your social media...