Search Engine Optimization | SEO

Don’t Bounce (Rate) Along in Website Analytics

  May 30, 2013
  Category :     Search Engine Optimization | SEO,   SEO Analytics
  Philip O'Hara
Most of Directory One’s Houston clients pay close attention to the traffic their website generates. They focus on how many visits their website gets every month. After all, a high number of unique visits mean that potential customers see you and know you’re there. The thinking is that the larger the number of unique visitors a site receives, the greater...

Are You Delicious-ly Backlinked?

  May 25, 2013
  Category :     Search Engine Optimization | SEO,   SEO Link Building
  Philip O'Hara
Are you Delicious-ly backlinked? Most of us know Delicious as someplace you can create an account and store all your favorite links just in case your computer crashes. Many of us have an account with hundreds of stored sites we might use for just about anything. Call it insurance against fatal disk error. It’s not Mounds of chocolate Fruity umbrella...

Tips for Using Natural Anchor Text

  May 3, 2013
  Category :     Search Engine Optimization | SEO,   SEO Content Writing |SEO Copywriting
  Philip O'Hara
Houston writers spend a lot of time researching keywords and considering each variation carefully. You’ve done the same for your website. Then you hear that you should use those keywords as anchor text. But what is anchor text exactly? Anchor text is merely the words that you use to link to another page. The words contain the URL (http://) that,...

The Benefits of a Small, Local SEO Service Company

  April 23, 2013
  Category :     Search Engine Optimization | SEO
  Philip O'Hara
As the world becomes more interconnected through globalization and the internet, personal interaction has gotten increasingly rare. While internet marketing is something that can be done remotely, it is also comforting to be able to communicate with your SEO service company in person. Directory One is a small Houston internet marketing company that emphasizes quality personal services. Keeping It Local...

What the heck is co-citation?

  April 12, 2013
  Category :     Search Engine Optimization | SEO,   SEO Content Writing |SEO Copywriting,   SEO Link Building
  Philip O'Hara
Some SEO gurus think that co-citation in content is the wave of the future. Moreover, they’re saying that traditional keyword anchor text is on its way out. Maybe. We haven’t heard much about it in the copywriting circles here in Houston. So what the heck is co-citation? Wikipedia, in the article “Co-citation”, uses Henry Small’s 1973 article “Co-citation in scientific...