Content Development | SEO Content Development
Let’s Celebrate our Independence from Boring SEO Content!
Author: April Hall Internet Copywriter Happy Fourth of July! It's a time of fireworks, barbecues and patriotic songs as Americans celebrate our Independence. And we are an independent type of country, are we not? We are free from tyranny, free from despotic rule, free from dependency on foreign oil.... (Okay, so some things are really really hard to break free...
Is Time on Your Side? The Importance of Timing in Content Development
Author: April Hall Internet Copywriter Time: No one every has enough of it and nobody has quite figured out a way to create more. In business, we are always looking for ways to make the best use of our time, making the biggest impact we can in the relatively short amount of we have of it. For copywriters, there are...
Long Tail Keywords: The Internet Salesman’s Best Friend
Author: April Hall Internet Copywriter What is the ultimate purpose of the internet? (Wow-I know that's a loaded question that could take forever to answer!) For some, the internet is a source of information. For others, it's a place to interact with friends, play games and enjoy the range of available entertainment. For many of us who work with SEO,...
Writing SEO Content that Targets the Average Reader
Author: April Hall Internet Copywriter Internet copywriters are often a unique blend of accomplished, talented writers who also have an uncanny knack for marketing. We are skilled at taking those all-important keywords and creating content that flows well, provides information and is interesting to read. There are times, however, when some of us feel compelled to put marketing keywords on...
5 Emergency Copywriting Tips for an Ailing Business Blog
Author: Henry Adaso SEO Copywriter You've heard that old saying "You only have 11 seconds to capture a web reader's attention," right? Well, I have some good news and some bad news about that age-old sentiment. The bad news is, that time frame may have even shortened lately, following the emergence of millions of websites and blogs offering the same...