Blogging | SEO Blogging
Business Blogging – A Way To Attract Customers
Blogs and blogging have become household words nowadays. For those of you who have absolutely no idea, blogs are places on the internet where the blogger (writer) publishes opinions and/or information frequently. Companies can’t afford to overlook the power of blogging in their marketing strategy. Why? The internet is usually your first place to make an impression on a potential...
SEO Blogging Attracts Reliable Customers
Houston Search Engine Optimization Consultants at Directory One encourage clients to attract reliable, interested customers to their website through blogging. Blogging can be a great way to showcase your business’ services, cutting edge developments or newly trending topics. For example, if you are a Houston Door Company, your blog is an excellent place to showcase recently completed projects. Blogs are...
Corporate Blogging
Corporate Blogging The following "Blog" discusses corporate blogging. Not in the mood to read? Simply call Directory One today at 713-465-0051 to learn about corporate blogging and how your company can benefit. you heard a little bit about blogging, how it helps businesses and is an effective marketing tool. Perhaps you then sat down at the "round table" and...
Do “Mainstream” People Read SEO Blogs & Tweets?
Probably not! However, if they do, they, most likely only read blogs written by other “mainstream” people, for example, restaurant or movie reviews. And if they are on Twitter, they probably keep up with Oprah, Ashton, or Shaq, and tweet a lot about what they’re having for lunch and dinner. Why I even raise such questions is simply because sometimes...
5 Reasons People Don’t Read Your Blog
Eric Brantner SEO Writer The blogosphere can be a lonely place if no one is reading your blog. It makes you ask the question “is this even worth it?” Yes, blogging is worth it. You just need to make some adjustments so that your blog has more online visibility. The first step to increasing your web presence is understanding why...