Net Neutrality and Search Engine Optimization

  September 7, 2007
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing
  Directory One
Author: Lara Crandell Directory One, Inc. PPC Management SEO being our livelihood here at Directory One,Inc. should bring about a lot of concerns when it comes to the possible loss of Net Neutrality. Not only should we worry, but so must all of the other small businesses out there. My father, brother, neighbor and my favorite local music store down the road all need...

Setting Up Pay Per Click in Google Part II

  September 6, 2007
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing
  Directory One
Author: Anne-Christine Johnson Directory One, Inc. Google Pay Per Click Expert Once you have ad groups and written ads, you can start putting them into Google Adwords. This is a repetitive copy-and-paste process but well worth it, if you know how to apply Broad, Phrase and Exact matching to your keywords. Using these matching options not only bring impressions but...

Strategic Use of Keywords Is Pivotal When It Comes To Search Engine Marketing

  September 6, 2007
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing
  Directory One
Author: Erica Evans Directory One, Inc. SEO Content Writer Anyone who knows a little bit about search engine marketing will tell you that content is a necessity. What few people realize however, is the importance of high ranking keywords in titles, page headings and throughout the body of the content itself. Without the strategic use of keywords in such areas, websites...

Setting Up Pay Per Click in Google Part I

  September 6, 2007
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing
  Directory One
Author: Anne-Christine Johnson Directory One, Inc. Google Pay-Per-Click Advertising Expert Setting up Pay-Per-Click (PPC) in Google requires careful attention to detail and extensive keyword research. Not only must you do the keyword research but also you need to make sure the keywords relate specifically to what you are advertising. Too many times I have seen two totally unrelated businesses show up on the...

5 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques To Help Your Website Create Sales On Google!

  September 5, 2007
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing
  Directory One
Author: Philip O'Hara Directory One, Inc. Search Engine Marketing Helper (1.) Domain name using your main keyword. Be sure to have what you sell and where you sell it in the name if at all possible. is a good name for ranking under Houston Attorney. (2.) Meta tags - The title tag should be the exact phrase you want to rank...