Setting Up Pay Per Click in Google Part I
Author: Anne-Christine Johnson
Directory One, Inc.
Google Pay-Per-Click Advertising Expert
Setting up Pay-Per-Click (PPC) in Google requires careful attention to detail and extensive keyword research. Not only must you do the keyword research but also you need to make sure the keywords relate specifically to what you are advertising. Too many times I have seen two totally unrelated businesses show up on the same page. If my business is Search Engine Marketing, I do not want to rank under Telemarketer. Once keywords are narrowed down, the process of creating ad groups begins. Like choosing keywords that are relevant to your business, ad groups must also contain relevant keywords.
Example: Ad group – A/C Installation
Keyword – a/c installation contractor, a/c installer, etc.
Narrowing down keywords and creating ad groups is important because the chances that someone will click on an ad is greater. Everytime someone clicks on an ad in Google, it is probably because the keyword they typed is in the ad more than once. Research the right keywords, narrow them down into ad groups and make sure your keywords exist in your ads.